Monday, July 11, 2011

My Relationship With Val

So far you've heard all about my adventures. Val seems to be only the tag-along. But there is a whole lot that I don't type about and after a while of posting I kind of began to feel guilty about not telling Val's side. Here are some of the things you miss out on:

So far Val and I have gotten off on a rocky start. I'm always arguing with him and he often does things I don't want him to, like rush out in the heat of battle when my plan was to sneak up on the enemy. He doesn't listen to me and doesn't ever stick to plans! "Val! Stop getting in my way!" Judging by his behavior and personality type I can always imagine what his response might be. "Well are you going to fight or are you going to stand back and watch me! Someone has to do the fighting!" "How can I fight when you're always in the way?!" I swear during a fight we must look like a couple of stooges constantly bickering during the battle and at times I wonder how the enemy doesn't burst out laughing at us in hilarity. Then there's always the time when Val's weapon goes flying through the air because he broke it during battle. I always get upset at him for breaking his weapon and grumble about how he should be more careful and take better care of his stuff while I have to go out and search for his bloody weapon that he dropped. Of course most likely he would argue it's not his fault.
He also seems to have the worst of luck with me and has expressed this himself a few times with various things said, like "I heard a rumor about a very dangerous place, so I guess that means we'll be going there any time huh?" or "alright, just don't get us killed aye?" or things like "are you sure about that?" always casting me a worried look. He does have a point, I can be pretty reckless at times!

There have been a few times I've put him in harms way, but only because I knew he could handle it. There have been a couple of times I've shocked him with my mages staff by accident, but he tends to get in my way. I always hear him yelling from a distance as I try to shock the same enemy he's fighting "Hey! I'm on your side!" "that's twice you've hit me!" "I swear, if you hit me one more time.." oops n.n sorry val.
And yes, I make him carry my crap....
But I also take care of him. I check his armor often to make sure it's not broken or breaking and I repair his armor. When he gets sick I am sure to nurse him back to health with cure disease potions and mandrake roots, and check on him often to make sure he's taken his medicine. When I know I'm going somewhere that would kill him, like under water, I make him stay behind. I never get a thank you, but I still get the feeling he appreciates this. In spite of all of our rocky relationship parts he still shows me some affection.

He has opened up to me gradually more and more, and during all our long trecks through the wildernes and time alone together he's began speaking about his past and life in the Imperial City. He's spoken about the water front a lot. Just recently he began to talk about his home life with his parents, I'm not quite sure what that's about yet, but anticipate more of this. He even asked if we could go see his father or something but never gave a location. If and when he does, we'll go do that. He's done so much for me so far, these little favors are the least I can do.
We've even had some very peaceful times. Once standing on the door step to a large building, out of the pouring rain, we were just watching it come down while waiting for it to stop. He turned and looked at me and just said something very sweet about how he doesn't mind the rain, and standing in it with me isn't so bad (I don't remember the exact words, bad me D: ). It's little times like that, that remind me he's not such a bad guy.

Over all with all of the experience we're getting fighting together, and all of the talking he does he has grown a little bit on me. Not having him by my side during an adventure, or just walking down the road would seem a little lonely. I do enjoy his little snippets of conversation "what'd I just step in now?" or his gossip talking about other people in town.

Here's to you Valtierro.

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