Monday, May 28, 2012

Off To The Dark Brotherhood

I woke the next morning and chatted a few npc's up. I noticed my complexion has somehow seemed to get paler, but once I saw what I look like pale I didn't mind. I may even look better this way.

On the way out of the city I realized I still had some crappy armor and arrows from the imperial guards that were chasing me earlier. I had pickpocked them all first, removing their protection and weapons, with the hope that when they got hostile they would not be able to use them. The game cheated by the way..somehow they magically manifested weapons to chase me with. Anyhow..I dropped them in the middle of the street on the way to the city gates. A guard stopped me.

Then he asked if he made himself clear when I carelessly didn't reply. "Have I made myself clear?"

Tsk.. Knowing i'm still too weak to go up against him I paid him the measly 50 gold.
Geeze. I didn't know you could get fined for littering in Skyrim.

The world of Skyrim is tough:
 Even children bully.

When finished with my time in Whiterun I began my long journey to Windhelm. The travel was rough. I was attacked by many animals. I decided to travel the whole way in sneak mode with the hopes it would help me remain undetected by as many animals as possible while raising my sneak skill.

For the first time in my incarnation I met M'aiq the liar on the road! I thought hey! This is a great opportunity to practice my pickpocketing skills!
I pockpocketed M'aiq the liar. My skooma. >.>

I was stopped by bandits.

 I'm lucky i'm puny!

I also met the orc waiting for a good death and had a little talk with him. I deduced from our chat that I am not yet strong enough to provide him with a good death. He, however, provided me with a good death in the process of finding this out. I continued on my journey only to be ambushed by a group of really strong animals on the other side of the bridge and came STREAKING back across fleeing for my life yelling "Help me orc! Help me orc! Help me orc!"! He saved my life that day. (I know, I know.. after having already taken it once...)

I died a couple more times on the road to Windhelm, it was very frustrating. I seemed to be attacked by a very dangerous animal every few steps and it was nearly impossible to stay alive! Once a hunger surprised me from around a big boulder and began chasing me down the road. I was running for my life, and it was swinging at me as I ran depleting my health with each swing. It soon became apparent I couldn't run fast enough to stay out of it's reach! In a last ditch attempt to stay alive I veered a sharp right and lept off the side of a cliff into a river down below. It fled after me but lost me in the rapids as I took shelter in the fast moving currents against the side of a larger cliff face, in the shadows the setting sun cast.

By the time Windhelm came into view I was SO thankful to see it I could nearly have kissed the ground! The sun was already set and the weather was chilling me to the bone. I rushed toward the glowing lights of the stable, thankful to still be alive!

On my way accross the big bridge to the city gates one of the guards in passing mentioned this to me.
 I'm on my way!

It was very dark when I entered the city and I decided it may be best to continue tomorrow. I paused first to listen to a skirmish going on.

The next morning I entered the abandoned house to the sound of the voice of the boy. I calmly ascended the steps to the upstairs where he is located and approached him from behind. I was silent, so it was a surprise for him to see me standing there. I answered his prayers. My next stop is to Riften to kill the mean lady at the orphanage. I cursed Astrid's name as I left the house. The reason the black sacraments aren't getting answered is because Astrid has abandoned the night mother, stupid fool. I'm always the one who has to go do things right.

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