Saturday, August 6, 2011


Anvil fighters guild requested one last task of me. Unfortunately I didn't get a lot of pictures of it because I forgot to start my fraps. I thought I had it started and was "taking images" when in actuality I wasn't taking anything.
ANYWAY.. the task was very straight forward, talk to this merchant on the docks about what's going on in his store. Basically he had thieves comming and stealing stuff and he had no idea who or how. He requested I spend the night there to catch them in the act. As soon as the owner left I quickly set to work looting everything I could in the store that I could find handy! Hey.. its an unguarded store full of things, who wouldn't take this opportunity!
After that was done, and I didn't find that many things, I sat down on a chair facing the store's entrance... while Val went up stairs, knocked around a few things, and stomped around quite noisily for some reason. I was a little annoyed at him and kept glancing askance up at the cealing with a frustrated look. Finally, eventually he came back down with a dumb smile on his face. I grumbled to myself while I stood and trduged up there to see just what damage he had done. I found nothing out of place except there was food, plates, bowls and silverware all over the floor. Apparently Val had decided it would be fun to walk on the table. Grumbling to myself I walked back down stares and sat again to wait, this time Val stood beside me. I swear, sometimes he just drives me nuts.
Eventually the thieves came in and I slaughtered them along with the help of Val and my newly summoned skeleton hero. This skeleton didn't die as easily as the last! I then went and fetched the merchant store owner, told him I caught and killed the men, and lead him back to his store to see the damage. He was shocked to find it had all be people that worked for him. I was like "well.. that's what happens " with a shrug. He thanked me, payed me and we left.
Back at the fighters guild I was a little disappointed to find out they had no more tasks for me. They suggested I try my luck at Cheydinhal.. I swear the fighters guild sucks compared to the mages guild. They are far less organized!
I had a couple of things I had to do before I left Anvil. First I checked the local shops for some ingredients to cure disease because once again Val was sick. After a long search I found none, but found some in my own ingredients I had all along. I passed Val a couple, hopefully he'll take them. Then I delivered a package to the local inn. Last, I had to gather a couple of things from the gold coast outside the city for the druid gods. This required walking around outside all over the place. I decided to do so as a deer to avoid getting attacked by animals.
The view was quite beautiful, and I felt one with nature.. even if Val was charging around at the other animals needlessly.

Eventually I came close to the IC and a body of water. I swam accross to the other side to see if there were any wolves over there because wolf pelt was one of the ingredients I needed.. but found something else quite puzzling instead.

Under the water stuck in the mud by a single leg was a corpse, what is a corpse doing out here? Also, it had a name! This once was somebody. I checked the corpse to find two items, a note and a primrose flower.

How sad.. There is nothing I can do now. Who knows, this body may be years old. I had to leave him be, but I took the note and primrose (after a second thought) for safe keeping. I plan on putting it up in my tree home in memory of this couple and the poor man.

I reached the IC and had two tasks to do. First I had to deliver a package to the inn there. When I entered I found an amusing glitch. One of the people inside was raking the floor... Oookaayy..

Next I had to visit the AU again because I got news I was needed. Inside I was asked to gather some people to replace the old mages council since they'd been destroyed. I did so.

It was only then, when I was no longer needed there that I continued to Cheydinhal. Once reaching Cheydinhal I entered the city, then transported myself to the druid temple to give the gifts that were requested of me. Upon giving them I was asked for more things, which incedentally I had in my inventory thanks to my alchemy habbit.

I tried out my new found abilities on the poor unsuspecting Val.
 First came the vines that went around myself to provide healing. It was a giant bush that grew up through the ground around me. I was immobile while they stayed, then they left the same way they grew. While this is cool, I still have really great healing spells so I probably won't be using this.

Next I turned to Val and cast the vine spell on him to have the vines attack him, just to see what it was like.  I heard him jump in surprise and yell "Hey! I'm on your side!" Then he crumpled to the ground.
The guard looks amused.

Yeah that's right guard. Just keep walkin, nothin to see here... Pay no attention to what i'm doing to my partner...

Now lets play, what is val saying? :D

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