Monday, June 4, 2012

Daedric Intervention

On my way to my next contract I stopped over in the town of Falkreath. I was approached by a guard while there who asked me if I had seen a dog that the local smith, Lod, was looking for. I remembered this quest well, and love animals, so I decided to go searching for the dog just outside of town. When he found me (Here hidden behind a bush) he asked me to reunite him with his daedric owner, Clavicus Vile. Barbas himself is also a daedra, and Clavicus Vile and he make a pair; Sort of like two daedras who are best friends. They don't always get along though, and Clavicus has cast him away in a fit of anger. The two daedra draw their power from each other and so Barbas wishes to be reunited and asks for my help. I of course agree.

The good thing about Barbas is that since he's a daedra he is immortal and immune to injury or being killed. He will also follow me where ever I go until I complete his quest. After following him to his master and having a talk, a deal was made with Clavicus to retrieve an axe, only then would he consider taking Barbas back. It will not be until we retrieve this axe and bring it back to Clavicus that the quest will be finished and Barbas will stop following me. Barbas also attacks any enemies standing in my way, so that I may complete my quest. Wheat we have here, folks, is an immortal companion who will fight for me and protect me! So in the words of Bill and Ted "Excellent!" I decided to use this opportunity to my advantage and keep Barbas at my side while I traveled to Markarth where my next contract resides.

Never buy Skooma from an orc, folks.
Just a short intermission to educate those skooma addicts out there.

When I arrived in Markarth the first thing I did was get my loot sorted, selling what needed to be sold and what not, then I went and spoke with the contract. She wanted me to kill someone up in Haafingar, good. Then I recognised that Markarth is the place with the house of horrors! I took the opportunity to invite myself in and indulge myself in the Malog Bal quest in order to obtain the daedric artifact. The official daedric artifact of this quest is none other than a mace... that I have no use for. SO!.. instead I am going to award myself with daedric armor at the end of this quest. I figure it fits better because it seems to be more evil and powerful of an award than that stupid mace.. AND it makes me look evil and powerful like Malog Bal's follower should.

 I was surprised to find that Barbas even followed me inside! When the time came to defend myself from the Vigilant I didn't need to lift a finger. Barbas did everything for me. Good dog.
Though, I can't imagine what Malog Bal, a daedric god, would think about another daedric god, Barbas, interfering in his affairs.

It's just my luck that the priest Malog Bal wants me to bring back to him is located in Haafingar also. On my way there I came accross a curious sight. There is a shrine of Talos with many followers dead about it's feet.

I found this note on a dead Thalmer guard. Apparently he was correct.

To retrieve the priest took me over perilous mountains and through a huge forsworn settlement. In my attempt to find an outcropping where I would not be seen by the forsworn I accidentally rode my horse right off the edge. I watched my horse disappear over the edge when I fell off of it followed by a sickening crack/thud which obviously meant it's doom had been met. I didn't find that same horse until later though, there it is! Poor thing. I can't wait for my immortal Shadowmere.

In spite of horses weaknesses to falling, they seem to be born with very sticky hooves. Spiderman eat your heart out.

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