Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Chef's Secret

 I took off after Cicero as instructed by Astrid and found her husband collapsed outside of the Dawnstar sanctuary. I entered and barreled my way through some sanctuary ghost guards with Lucien at my side. I make it a point to have him at my side as often as I can. He expressed his desires for peace between Cicero and us, which I whole-heartedly agreed with.

Here he is. Here's Cicero.
Poor guy. I couldn't help but feel immensely sorry for him and approached slowly while he mistakingly begged for his life. He didn't have to ask me, I know he was the correct one all along. I told Cicero he didn't have to worry, that I would tell Astrid he was dead so that he may live and that I would take care of things. Whether he believed me or not I didn't care. I took off back to the Falkreath sanctuary then!

Along the way I decided to hitch a ride on a cart. It's a little slower than my current horse but it was scenic and I didn't have to do any of the driving! I got to sight see.

When I arrived I told Astrid that Cicero was dead and she commended me. I held my wrath toward her to myself and listened as she instructed me of my next task. Find out who the Gormet master chef is from the one and only person in all of Tamriel who knows... then kill him.

I tracked him to Markarth where he is acting as head chef and kindly persuaded him to tell me who the Gormet is and where I might find him.
 Then I told him in return for telling him this information I would spare his life. he was greatful. Little did he know that I had lied to him... because I didn't want his last moments of life to be in fear.

I calmly waited until nightfall when everyone went to sleep then killed him with one slash. I didn't want to be seen and also he would die peacefully in his sleep.
It was a success. The Gormet is somewhere between Dawnstar and Winterhold in a little tavern type place along the road. Off I go!

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