The combination of a thick snowstorm and an interesting looking fort drew my attention from the road not long after I had exited the canyon and I hopped off my horse to take a look inside. I was very pleased to find that every bad guy inside were grouped in no more than pairs, making it very easily to systematically sneak up behind each one and kill them with a single slach of the throat. Nobody knew what ever hit them. Thanks to my near constant practice of my sneak skill my killing is getting more masterful.
In the deepest bowels of the fort I found a man titled "noris the Wicked" who was a necromancer and apparently torturing victims.
It was my pleasure to kill him after hearing what he was saying to himself. The sight inside of his torture chamber was wretched. Hey, I may be a thief and a killer, but I do have a heart. I don't like the idea of torturing anybody.
Eventually I safely made it to Ivarstead and sought out the victim of my very first official kill. I recognized him when I saw him and this time I was better equipped to kill him. I just snuck up to the abandoned shack and slit his throat from behind. He never knew I was there.

The second contract was located at Anga's mill just south west of Windhelm. He was located by the river in a little camp. I eliminated him the same as the previous.
Third contract up in dawnstar. This nice woman would not settle anyplace that didn't have eyes watching, which was very frustrating. Yet, I found some humor in the fact that I was following her all around while wearing dark brotherhood clothing and nobody seemed to be suspicious of me.

A dragon decided to attack the town of Ivarstead while I was there. I knew I would have no chance going up against it with only my two little dagger blades. Suddenly, I remembered the accident I had with my new shouting ability in Falkreath and killing the three people! I could use my voice!
Excited that I could finally join the guards in battling the dragon I ran forward and used my "leech life" shout at the dragon first chance I got! This shout slowly depletes the enemies health until it is dead. I then stood back and watched the dragons life slowly whittle away while the guards shot arrows at it.
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